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7 Office Etiquettes To Swear By To Be A Great Colleague

7 Office Etiquette To Swear By To Be A Great Colleague

Many people have had to work from home for months during the lockdown period. With some offices slowly opening their doors to employees, remember these important etiquettes

Etiquette, or good manners which your mama has been instilling in you from a young age, is very important in every aspect of your life. It helps you respect other people’s boundaries and makes you a pleasurable person to be around, with that extending to the office it makes you a great colleague to work with. The fact that you work in your organisation means that it trusts you to fulfil your role so it can succeed. Sometimes, the work environment can be stressful, and being civil with your colleagues helps reduce the pressure that can come with the job. Good office etiquette helps create quality relationships at work and can help advance your career. So brush up on your office etiquette for a great work experience. This is how:

Be mindful of your body language: The tone in your voice and emails, crossing your arms when engaging with others or working with your earphones on can send the wrong impression to your colleagues. Be mindful of your body language by paying attention to what others are saying and looking them in the eye when communicating.

Be respectful: respect everyone in your office space, from the cleaner to the receptionist and your boss. No matter your job title always treat people the way you want them to treat you, respectfully.

Be a team player: you can do this by lending a helping hand if someone is overburdened with work or needs your assistance. Share credit with your colleagues by acknowledging their contribution to a project you were assigned with, and also show interest in matters beyond work stuff.

Be professional: How you dress sends a message to people in general, as an ambassador of your company represent it by dressing according to what it stands for. Also, respect other people’s privacy and boundaries. As much as you shouldn’t take things personally, don’t allow others to belittle you by kindly asking them to address you in a certain way without lashing out.

Ask when you need help: don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need clarification. Sometimes, people tend to avoid or leave emails or tasks to the last minute because they are afraid to say they don’t understand what is needed of them. Don’t do that mistake. We grow and learn by asking, so don’t be ashamed if you feel stuck once in a while.

Respect company resources: when you get to a point where you need a career change, refrain from using office resources to update your CV or search for job opportunities. Avoid prioritising your personal stuff over what you were employed for in the first place. That’s the last thing you want to be dismissed for.

Avoid office politics: just don’t be that person. Gossiping about others, especially your colleagues or boss, or stirring trouble in the workplace will reflect badly on your professional profile for a long time to come.

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