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How To Manage A Job You Hate

How To Manage A Job You Hate

Excelling at a job you don’t like may be a little difficult but it still has to be done. Here are five ways to manage and appreciate a job you hate.

Let’s face it not everyone excitedly jumps out of bed to be at the office. There are factors that often contribute to people not liking their jobs, from taking a career that just pays the bills to dealing with a nightmare colleague or boss. But, unless you can afford to walk out on your job to try to find greener pastures in the comfort of your home, you have to make the most of your office life. Believe me, it’s not easy dragging your feet to a job you used to enjoy but it comes with being an adult and taking responsibility for your life. This is how I used to manage a job I dreaded going to, hopefully, it helps:

Have a positive attitude: ‘Yeah right’, you are probably saying and you have the right to feel that way, especially if you have a manager that’s on your back and a mountainous workload piled on you, but you have to be positive for your own well-being. Listen to inspirational podcasts and talks or read motivational books and verses on your way to work or during lunch breaks. Do what you can to keep you motivated despite your situation.

Connect with some of your colleagues: And instead of indulging on office politics and gossips base your friendship on more positive or uplifting things. Having a good relationship with your colleagues does make going to work bearable and sets a great environment to get the job done. No matter how close you feel you are to some of your colleagues be careful not to say things that will compromise your job, you never know who sees you as a threat regardless of how much their smile widens when they are with you. You really don’t want to burn bridges with what you say.

Find other opportunities: If your work seems mundane find other opportunities that will challenge you within your department or if possible enquire about openings at other departments. Maybe you have grown to dislike your job because it’s not as challenging and exciting.

Do your best no matter the situation: Be the kind of employee that works so hard that you sure leave a void when you find other opportunities elsewhere. It’easy to give into the temptation of not putting in effort when you don’t like your job, but try not to. When it comes to a job everyone is replaceable, so do your best regardless and top it off with respect for everyone around you. People notice your actions.

Don’t stop looking: Always check out career portals or the companies you follow for vacancies. Always have your CV updated and brush up on your skills. In the meantime, be grateful for having a job that might get you a step closer to your career goals.

Do you like your job? If not, how do you find ways to stay motivated in your job.

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